How to get back on track after christmas!
So 2019 is finally here and everyone is settling back into reality… After lots of food and alcohol over Christmas and not knowing what day or time it was in-between christmas and new year it’s time to get back on track!
I always tell myself and my clients that relaxing over Christmas is a must, it does your mind and body good to have a break sometimes! But one of the most important things is knowing when to get back on it.
So here are some do’s and don’ts for getting back on track after Christmas:
In my opinion one of the worst things that you can do after Christmas and new year is cut too much out of your diet and be too strict.
I speak to so many people that say they've set new years resolutions that are along the lines of ‘I’m not going to eat chocolate anymore’ or ‘I’m not eating carbs anymore’, and they wonder why it only lasts a week…
It’s really not necessary to completely cut foods out of your diet.
The chances are you really like the taste of the food your trying to cut out and doing so is going to make you crave them more, this generally results in binging… or misery.
So how do you get back on track after Christmas?
You DON’T need to sacrifice all of your favourite foods, that’s not what ‘fitness’ is about. If you are filling your body with healthy, nutrient dense food then the odd treat here and there is not going to hurt!
Make sure you're drinking lots of water and eating nutrient dense meals that are going to fill you up, because lets face it… everyone is a little hungrier after eating what they want and when they want over Christmas!
And lastly, cut yourself some slack, if you've decided 2019 is the year you improve your health and fitness the chances are it’s not going to happen over night, it takes time, it’s a process and it shouldn't be a miserable one.
Goal setting is GREAT and I recommend everyone does it, just make sure they are realistic, achievable goals, there's nothing worse than setting a goal you KNOW probably isn't achievable and then beating yourself up when you don't reach it.
You’ve got this, trust me, it’s not as scary as it seems!
Happy new year everyone, I hope it’s full of health and happiness for you all! If this process seems too daunting still or you would like some help kick starting your fitness or nutrition don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!